Saturday, March 30, 2013

Missing you more than ever

Hi princess!! It's been so long since I've blogged. So much has happened. You have a new baby sister. She was born August 13th, 2013. I named her Mariana (after your great grandma) Jade (after you). She is absolutely perfect. I just love her so much!!
Yesterday was Good Friday. I recently watched The Passion of the Christ, and for some reason it bothered me so much more this time than it did the last time. Jesus loved us so much that he suffered a horrible death to save me. Well I was listening to KLOVE ( which I started listening to after hearing your big sisters sing some lyrics that were inappropriate for young ladies to be singing about) and I started bawling at the thought of Jesus on his last day. And at the thought of God sending his son to die. I lost you. I couldn't imagine how sad it was for God to see his son go through that.
Jaida, I miss you more than words could ever express. When I think of you, I smile more than I'm sad. I know you are in a glorious place waiting for me. I am so blessed to be a mom of an Angel. You have changed me in so many ways. I'm continuing to learn, to live without you. The void in my heart could never be replaced. I will speak of you every time I'm asked the dreaded question "how many children do you have??" You have taught me so much in life.
I love you my Angel!! I hope you have a glorious Easter with Jesus!!! Give him and Grandma a big hug for me.